Source code for gamspy._container

from __future__ import annotations

import atexit
import os
import platform
import signal
import socket
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
import uuid
from contextlib import closing
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import gams.transfer as gt

import gamspy as gp
import gamspy._miro as miro
import gamspy._validation as validation
import gamspy.utils as utils
from gamspy._backend.backend import backend_factory
from gamspy._extrinsic import ExtrinsicLibrary
from gamspy._miro import MiroJSONEncoder
from gamspy._model import Problem, Sense
from gamspy._options import Options
from gamspy._workspace import Workspace
from gamspy.exceptions import FatalError, GamspyException, ValidationError

    import io
    from import Iterable
    from typing import Any, Literal

    from pandas import DataFrame

    from gamspy import (
    from gamspy._algebra.expression import Expression
    from gamspy._algebra.operation import Operation

GAMS_PORT = os.getenv("GAMS_PORT", None)
IS_MIRO_INIT = os.getenv("MIRO", False)
MIRO_GDX_IN = os.getenv("GAMS_IDC_GDX_INPUT", None)

def find_free_address() -> tuple[str, int]:
    with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s:
        s.bind((LOOPBACK, 0))
        s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        return s.getsockname()

def open_connection(
    system_directory: str, process_directory: str, license_path: str
) -> tuple[socket.socket, subprocess.Popen]:
    TIMEOUT = 30

    address = (LOOPBACK, int(GAMS_PORT)) if GAMS_PORT else find_free_address()

    initial_pf_file = os.path.join(process_directory, "")
    with open(initial_pf_file, "w") as file:

    process = subprocess.Popen(
            os.path.join(system_directory, "gams"),
        start_new_session=platform.system() != "Windows",

    def handler(signum, frame):
        if platform.system() != "Windows":
            os.kill(, signal.SIGINT)

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)

    start = time.time()
    while True:
        if process.poll() is not None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValidationError(process.communicate()[0])

            new_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        except (ConnectionRefusedError, OSError) as e:
            end = time.time()

            if end - start > TIMEOUT:  # pragma: no cover
                raise FatalError(
                    f"Timeout while establishing the connection with socket. {process.communicate()[0]}"
                ) from e

    return new_socket, process

def get_system_directory(system_directory: str | None) -> str:
    system_directory = os.getenv("GAMSPY_GAMS_SYSDIR", system_directory)

    if system_directory is None:
        system_directory = utils._get_gamspy_base_directory()

    return system_directory

def check_response(response: bytes, job_name: str) -> None:
        1: "Solver is to be called, the system should never return this number.",
        2: "There was a compilation error.",
        3: "There was an execution error.",
        4: "System limits were reached.",
        5: "There was a file error.",
        6: "There was a parameter error.",
        7: "The solve has failed due to a license error. The license you are using may impose model size limits (demo/community license) or you are using a GAMSPy incompatible professional license. Please contact to find out about license options.",
        8: "There was a GAMS system error.",
        9: "GAMS could not be started.",
        10: "Out of memory.",
        11: "Out of disk.",
        109: "Could not create process/scratch directory.",
        110: "Too many process/scratch directories.",
        112: "Could not delete the process/scratch directory.",
        113: "Could not write the script gamsnext.",
        114: "Could not write the parameter file.",
        115: "Could not read environment variable.",
        400: "Could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex).",
        401: "Current directory (curdir) does not exist.",
        402: "Cannot set current directory (curdir).",
        404: "Blank in system directory (UNIX only).",
        405: "Blank in current directory (UNIX only).",
        406: "Blank in scratch extension (scrext)",
        407: "Unexpected cmexRC.",
        408: "Could not find the process directory (procdir).",
        409: "CMEX library not be found (experimental).",
        410: "Entry point in CMEX library could not be found (experimental).",
        411: "Blank in process directory (UNIX only).",
        412: "Blank in scratch directory (UNIX only).",
        909: "Cannot add path / unknown UNIX environment / cannot set environment variable.",
        1000: "Driver error: incorrect command line parameters for gams.",
        2000: "Driver error: internal error: cannot install interrupt handler.",
        3000: "Driver error: problems getting current directory.",
        4000: "Driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found.",
        5000: "Driver error: internal error: cannot load option handling library.",

    value = response[: response.find(b"#")].decode("ascii")
    if not value:
        raise FatalError(
            "Error while getting the return code from GAMS backend. This means that GAMS is in a bad state. Try to backtrack for previous errors."

    return_code = int(value)

    if return_code in GAMS_STATUS:
            info = GAMS_STATUS[return_code]
        except IndexError:  # pragma: no cover
            info = ""

        raise GamspyException(
            f'{info} Check {job_name + ".lst"} for more information.',

[docs] class Container(gt.Container): """ A container is an object that holds all symbols and operates on them. Parameters ---------- load_from : str, Container, gt.Container, optional Path to the GDX file to be loaded from, by default None system_directory : str, optional Path to the directory that holds the GAMS installation, by default None working_directory : str, optional Path to the working directory to store temporary files such .lst, .gms, .gdx, .g00 files. debugging_level : str, optional Decides on keeping the temporary files generate by GAMS, by default "keep_on_error" options : Options, optional Global options for the overall execution Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i") """ def __init__( self, load_from: str | Container | gt.Container | None = None, system_directory: str | None = None, working_directory: str | None = None, debugging_level: Literal[ "keep", "keep_on_error", "delete" ] = "keep_on_error", options: Options | None = None, output: io.TextIOWrapper | None = None, ): self.output = output self._gams_string = "" if IS_MIRO_INIT: atexit.register(self._write_miro_files) self._is_socket_open = True system_directory = get_system_directory(system_directory) self._unsaved_statements: list = [] super().__init__(system_directory=system_directory) self._license_path = utils._get_license_path(self.system_directory) self._network_license = self._is_network_license() self._debugging_level = debugging_level self._workspace = Workspace(debugging_level, working_directory) self._working_directory = self._workspace.working_directory if len(self._working_directory) > 204: raise ValidationError( f"Working directory path length cannot be greater than 204! Given working directory path `{self._working_directory}` has length of `{len(self._working_directory)}`" ) self._process_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.working_directory) self._job, self._gdx_in, self._gdx_out = self._setup_paths() self._temp_container = gt.Container( system_directory=self.system_directory ) self._options = validation.validate_global_options(options) # needed for miro self._miro_input_symbols: list[str] = [] self._miro_output_symbols: list[str] = [] self._socket, self._process = open_connection( self.system_directory, self._process_directory, self._license_path ) if load_from is not None: if not isinstance(load_from, gt.Container): self._unsaved_statements = [] self._clean_modified_symbols() self._add_statement(f"$declareAndLoad {load_from}") self._synch_with_gams(gams_to_gamspy=False) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Container(system_directory='{self.system_directory}', working_directory='{self.working_directory}', debugging_level='{self._debugging_level}')" def __str__(self): if len(self): return f"<Container ({hex(id(self))}) with {len(self)} symbols: {}>" return f"<Empty Container ({hex(id(self))})>" def __del__(self): try: self._stop_socket() except (Exception, ConnectionResetError): # pragma: no cover ... @property def working_directory(self) -> str: """ Working directory path. Returns ------- str """ return self._working_directory @property def in_miro(self) -> bool: """ When running a GAMSPy job from GAMS MIRO, you may not want to perform certain expensive operations, such as loading MIRO input data from an Excel workbook, as this data comes from MIRO. In that case, one can conditionally load the data by using the ``in_miro`` attribute of `Container`. Returns ------- bool """ return MIRO_GDX_IN is not None def _is_network_license(self) -> bool: with open(self._license_path, encoding="utf-8") as file: lines = file.readlines() return bool("+" in lines[0] and lines[4][47] == "N") def _stop_socket(self): if hasattr(self, "_socket") and self._is_socket_open: self._socket.sendall(b"stop") self._socket.close() self._is_socket_open = False if not self._process.stdout.closed: self._process.stdout.close() while self._process.poll() is None: ... def _read_output(self, output: io.TextIOWrapper | None) -> None: if output is not None: while True: data = self._process.stdout.readline() output.write(data) output.flush() if data.startswith("--- Job ") and "elapsed" in data: break def _interrupt(self) -> None: if platform.system() == "Windows": os.kill(, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT) else: os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) def _send_job( self, job_name: str, pf_file: str, output: io.TextIOWrapper | None = None, ): try: # Send pf file self._socket.sendall(pf_file.encode("utf-8")) # Read output self._read_output(output) # Receive response response = self._socket.recv(256) check_response(response, job_name) except ConnectionError as e: raise FatalError( f"There was an error while communicating with GAMS server: {e}", ) from e def _write_miro_files(self): # create conf_<model>/<model>_io.json try: encoder = MiroJSONEncoder(self) encoder.write_json() except Exception: self._stop_socket() traceback.print_exc() os._exit(1) def _add_statement(self, statement) -> None: self._unsaved_statements.append(statement) def _cast_symbols(self, symbol_names: list[str] | None = None) -> None: """Casts GTP symbols to GAMSPy symbols""" symbol_names = symbol_names if symbol_names else list( for symbol_name in symbol_names: gtp_symbol =[symbol_name] new_domain = [ ([] if not isinstance(member, str) else member ) for member in gtp_symbol.domain ] del[symbol_name] if isinstance(gtp_symbol, gt.Alias): alias_with =[] _ = gp.Alias._constructor_bypass( self, gtp_symbol._name, alias_with ) elif isinstance(gtp_symbol, gt.UniverseAlias): _ = gp.UniverseAlias._constructor_bypass( self, gtp_symbol._name, ) elif isinstance(gtp_symbol, gt.Set): _ = gp.Set._constructor_bypass( self, gtp_symbol._name, new_domain, gtp_symbol._is_singleton, gtp_symbol._records, gtp_symbol._description, ) elif isinstance(gtp_symbol, gt.Parameter): _ = gp.Parameter._constructor_bypass( self, gtp_symbol._name, new_domain, gtp_symbol._records, gtp_symbol._description, ) elif isinstance(gtp_symbol, gt.Variable): _ = gp.Variable._constructor_bypass( self, gtp_symbol._name, gtp_symbol._type, new_domain, gtp_symbol._records, gtp_symbol._description, ) elif isinstance(gtp_symbol, gt.Equation): symbol_type = gtp_symbol.type if gtp_symbol.type in ["eq", "leq", "geq"]: symbol_type = "regular" _ = gp.Equation._constructor_bypass( self, gtp_symbol._name, symbol_type, new_domain, gtp_symbol._records, gtp_symbol._description, ) def _delete_autogenerated_symbols(self) -> None: """ Removes autogenerated model attributes, objective variable and equation from the container """ autogenerated_symbol_names = self._get_autogenerated_symbol_names() for name in autogenerated_symbol_names: if name in del[name] def _get_symbol_names_to_load( self, load_from: str, names: list[str] | None ) -> list[str]: if names is None: names = utils._get_symbol_names_from_gdx( self.system_directory, load_from ) return names def _setup_paths(self) -> tuple[str, str, str]: suffix = "_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) job = os.path.join(self.working_directory, suffix) gdx_in = os.path.join(self.working_directory, f"{suffix}in.gdx") gdx_out = os.path.join(self.working_directory, f"{suffix}out.gdx") return job, gdx_in, gdx_out def _get_autogenerated_symbol_names(self) -> list[str]: names = [] for name in if name.startswith(gp.Model._generate_prefix): names.append(name) return names def _get_modified_symbols(self) -> list[str]: modified_names = [] for name, symbol in self: if symbol.modified: if ( isinstance(symbol, gp.Alias) and not in modified_names ): modified_names.append( modified_names.append(name) return modified_names def _clean_modified_symbols(self) -> None: for symbol in if isinstance(symbol, gp.Alias): symbol.alias_with.modified = False symbol.modified = False def _synch_with_gams( self, relaxed_domain_mapping: bool = False, gams_to_gamspy: bool = False, ) -> DataFrame | None: runner = backend_factory(self, self._options, output=self.output) summary =, gams_to_gamspy) if self._options and self._options.seed is not None: # Required for correct seeding. Seed can only be set in the first run. self._options.seed = None if IS_MIRO_INIT: miro._write_default_gdx_miro(self) return summary def _generate_gams_string( self, gdx_in: str, modified_names: list[str], ) -> str: LOADABLE = (gp.Set, gp.Parameter, gp.Variable, gp.Equation) MIRO_INPUT_TYPES = (gt.Set, gt.Parameter) strings = ["$onMultiR", "$onUNDF"] for statement in self._unsaved_statements: if isinstance(statement, str): strings.append(statement) else: strings.append(statement.getDeclaration()) if modified_names: loadables = [] for name in modified_names: symbol = self[name] if ( isinstance(symbol, LOADABLE) and not name.startswith(gp.Model._generate_prefix) and symbol.synchronize ): loadables.append(symbol) if loadables: strings.append(f"$gdxIn {gdx_in}") for loadable in loadables: if ( isinstance(loadable, MIRO_INPUT_TYPES) and loadable._is_miro_input and not IS_MIRO_INIT and MIRO_GDX_IN ): miro_load = miro.get_load_input_str(, gdx_in ) strings.append(miro_load) else: strings.append(f"$loadDC {}") strings.append("$gdxIn") strings.append("$offUNDF") if not IS_MIRO_INIT and MIRO_GDX_OUT: strings.append(miro.get_unload_output_str(self)) gams_string = "\n".join(strings) if self._debugging_level == "keep": self._gams_string += gams_string + "\n" return gams_string def _load_records_from_gdx( self, load_from: str, symbol_names: list[str] | None = None, user_invoked: bool = False, ): symbol_names = self._get_symbol_names_to_load(load_from, symbol_names), symbol_names) for name in symbol_names: if name in updated_records = self._temp_container[name].records self[name]._records = updated_records if updated_records is not None: self[name].domain_labels = self[name].domain_names else:, [name]) if user_invoked: self[name].modified = True = {} if user_invoked: self._synch_with_gams()
[docs] def read( self, load_from: str | Container | gt.Container, symbol_names: list[str] | None = None, load_records: bool = True, mode: str | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Reads specified symbols from the GDX file. If symbol_names are not provided, it reads all symbols from the GDX file. Parameters ---------- load_from : str, Container, gt.Container symbol_names : List[str], optional load_records : bool mode : str, optional encoding : str, optional Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=['i1', 'i2']) >>> m.write("test.gdx") >>> new_container = gp.Container() >>>"test.gdx") >>> == True """ super().read(load_from, symbol_names, load_records, mode, encoding) self._cast_symbols(symbol_names)
[docs] def write( self, write_to: str, symbol_names: list[str] | None = None, compress: bool = False, mode: str | None = None, eps_to_zero: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Writes specified symbols to the GDX file. If symbol_names are not provided, it writes all symbols to the GDX file. Parameters ---------- write_to : str symbol_names : List[str], optional compress : bool mode : str, optional eps_to_zero : bool Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=['i1', 'i2']) >>> m.write("test.gdx") """ super().write( write_to, symbol_names, compress, mode=mode, eps_to_zero=eps_to_zero, )
[docs] def generateGamsString(self, show_raw: bool = False) -> str: """ Generates the GAMS code Parameters ---------- show_raw : bool, optional Shows the raw model without data and other necessary GAMS statements, by default False. Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container(debugging_level="keep") >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i") >>> gams_code = m.generateGamsString() """ if self._debugging_level != "keep": raise ValidationError( "`debug_level` argument of the container must be set to 'keep' to use this function." ) if not show_raw: return self._gams_string return utils._filter_gams_string(self._gams_string)
[docs] def loadRecordsFromGdx( self, load_from: str, symbol_names: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Loads data of the given symbols from a GDX file. If no symbol names are given, data of all symbols are loaded. Parameters ---------- load_from : str Path to the GDX file symbols : List[str], optional Symbols whose data will be load from GDX, by default None Examples -------- >>> from gamspy import Container, Set >>> m = Container() >>> i = Set(m, "i", records=["i1", "i2"]) >>> m.write("test.gdx") >>> m2 = Container() >>> m2.loadRecordsFromGdx("test.gdx") >>> print(i.records.equals(m2["i"].records)) True """ self._load_records_from_gdx(load_from, symbol_names, user_invoked=True)
[docs] def addGamsCode(self, gams_code: str) -> None: """ Adds an arbitrary GAMS code to the generate .gms file. Using addGAMSCode might result in a license error if no GAMSpy++ license is used. Parameters ---------- gams_code : str GAMS code that you want to insert. Examples -------- >>> from gamspy import Container >>> m = Container() >>> m.addGamsCode("scalar piHalf / [pi/2] /;") >>> m["piHalf"].toValue() np.float64(1.5707963267948966) """ self._add_statement(gams_code) self._synch_with_gams(relaxed_domain_mapping=True, gams_to_gamspy=True) for _, symbol in self: symbol.modified = False self._unsaved_statements = []
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Stops the socket and releases resources. The container should not be used afterwards to communicate with the GAMS execution engine, e.g. creating new symbols, changing data, solves, etc. The container data ( is still available for read operations. """ self._stop_socket()
[docs] def addAlias( self, name: str | None = None, alias_with: Set | Alias | None = None, ) -> Alias: """ Creates a new Alias and adds it to the container Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the alias. alias_with : Set | Alias | None Alias set object. Returns ------- Alias Raises ------ TypeError In case the alias_with is different than a Set or an Alias ValueError If there is symbol with same name but different type in the Container Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = m.addSet("i") >>> a = m.addAlias("a", i) """ return gp.Alias(self, name, alias_with)
[docs] def addSet( self, name: str | None = None, domain: list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str | None = None, is_singleton: bool = False, records: Any | None = None, domain_forwarding: bool = False, description: str = "", uels_on_axes: bool = False, is_miro_input: bool = False, is_miro_output: bool = False, ) -> Set: """ Creates a Set and adds it to the container Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the set. Name is autogenerated by default. domain : list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str, optional Domain of the set. is_singleton : bool, optional Whether the set is a singleton set. Singleton sets cannot contain more than one element. records : pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | list, optional Records of the set. domain_forwarding : bool, optional Whether the set forwards the domain. description : str, optional Description of the set. uels_on_axes : bool Assume that symbol domain information is contained in the axes of the given records. is_miro_input : bool Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO input symbol. See: is_miro_output : bool Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO output symbol. See: Returns ------- Set Raises ------ err In case arguments are not valid ValueError When there is symbol with same name in the Container Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = m.addSet("i") """ return gp.Set( self, name, domain, is_singleton, records, domain_forwarding, description, uels_on_axes, is_miro_input=is_miro_input, is_miro_output=is_miro_output, )
[docs] def addParameter( self, name: str | None = None, domain: list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str | None = None, records: Any | None = None, domain_forwarding: bool = False, description: str = "", uels_on_axes: bool = False, is_miro_input: bool = False, is_miro_output: bool = False, is_miro_table: bool = False, ) -> Parameter: """ Creates a Parameter and adds it to the Container Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the parameter. Name is autogenerated by default. domain : list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str, optional Domain of the parameter. records : int | float | pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | list, optional Records of the parameter. domain_forwarding : bool, optional Whether the parameter forwards the domain. description : str, optional Description of the parameter. uels_on_axes : bool Assume that symbol domain information is contained in the axes of the given records. is_miro_input : bool Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO input symbol. See: is_miro_output : bool Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO output symbol. See: is_miro_table : bool Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO table symbol. See: Returns ------- Parameter Raises ------ err In case arguments are not valid ValueError If there is symbol with same name but different type in the Container Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> a = m.addParameter("a") """ return gp.Parameter( self, name, domain, records, domain_forwarding, description, uels_on_axes, is_miro_input=is_miro_input, is_miro_output=is_miro_output, is_miro_table=is_miro_table, )
[docs] def addVariable( self, name: str | None = None, type: str = "free", domain: list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str | None = None, records: Any | None = None, domain_forwarding: bool = False, description: str = "", uels_on_axes: bool = False, is_miro_output: bool = False, ) -> Variable: """ Creates a Variable and adds it to the Container Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the variable. Name is autogenerated by default. type : str, optional Type of the variable. "free" by default. domain : list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str, optional Domain of the variable. records : Any, optional Records of the variable. domain_forwarding : bool, optional Whether the variable forwards the domain. description : str, optional Description of the variable. is_miro_output : bool Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO output symbol. See: Returns ------- Variable Raises ------ err In case arguments are not valid ValueError If there is symbol with same name but different type in the Container Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> v = m.addVariable("v") """ return gp.Variable( self, name, type, domain, records, domain_forwarding, description, uels_on_axes, is_miro_output=is_miro_output, )
[docs] def addEquation( self, name: str | None = None, type: str | EquationType = "regular", domain: list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str | None = None, definition: Variable | Operation | Expression | None = None, records: Any | None = None, domain_forwarding: bool = False, description: str = "", uels_on_axes: bool = False, is_miro_output: bool = False, definition_domain: list | None = None, ) -> Equation: """ Creates an Equation and adds it to the Container Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the equation. Name is autogenerated by default. type : str Type of the equation. "regular" by default. domain : list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str, optional Domain of the variable. definition: Expression, optional Definition of the equation. records : Any, optional Records of the equation. domain_forwarding : bool, optional Whether the equation forwards the domain. description : str, optional Description of the equation. uels_on_axes: bool Assume that symbol domain information is contained in the axes of the given records. definition_domain: list, optional Definiton domain of the equation. is_miro_output : bool Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO output symbol. See: Returns ------- Equation Raises ------ err In case arguments are not valid ValueError If there is symbol with same name but different type in the Container Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = m.addEquation("i") """ return gp.Equation( self, name, type, domain, definition, records, domain_forwarding, description, uels_on_axes, is_miro_output, definition_domain, )
[docs] def addModel( self, name: str | None = None, problem: Problem | str = Problem.MIP, equations: Iterable[Equation] = [], sense: Sense | str = Sense.FEASIBILITY, objective: Variable | Expression | None = None, matches: dict[Equation, Variable] | None = None, limited_variables: Iterable[Variable] | None = None, external_module: str | None = None, ) -> Model: """ Creates a Model and adds it to the Container Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the model. Name is autogenerated by default. equations : Iterable[Equation] Iterable of Equation objects. problem : Problem or str, optional 'LP', 'NLP', 'QCP', 'DNLP', 'MIP', 'RMIP', 'MINLP', 'RMINLP', 'MIQCP', 'RMIQCP', 'MCP', 'CNS', 'MPEC', 'RMPEC', 'EMP', or 'MPSGE', by default Problem.LP. sense : Sense, optional "MIN", "MAX", or "FEASIBILITY". objective : Variable | Expression, optional Objective variable to minimize or maximize or objective itself. matches : dict[Equation, Variable] Equation - Variable matches for MCP models. limited_variables : Iterable, optional Allows limiting the domain of variables used in a model. external_module: str, optional The name of the external module in which the external equations are implemented Returns ------- Model Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> e = gp.Equation(m, "e") >>> model = m.addModel("my_model", "LP", [e]) """ return gp.Model( self, name, problem, equations, sense, objective, matches, limited_variables, external_module=external_module, )
[docs] def copy(self, working_directory: str) -> Container: """ Creates a copy of the Container. Should not be invoked after creating the model. Parameters ---------- working_directory : str, optional Working directory of the new Container, by default None Returns ------- Container Raises ------ ValidationError Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i") >>> new_cont = m.copy(working_directory="test") >>> == True """ os.makedirs(working_directory, exist_ok=True) m = Container(working_directory=working_directory) if m.working_directory == self.working_directory: raise ValidationError( "Copy of a container cannot have the same working directory" " with the original container." ) self.write(m._job + "in.gdx") + "in.gdx") # if already defined equations exist, add them to .gms file for equation in self.getEquations(): if equation._definition is not None: m._add_statement(equation._definition) m[]._definition = equation._definition m._synch_with_gams() return m
[docs] def getEquations(self) -> list[Equation]: """ Returns all equation symbols in the Container. Returns ------- list[Equation] Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> eq1 = gp.Equation(m, name="eq1") >>> eq2 = gp.Equation(m, name="eq2") >>> equation_objects = m.getEquations() """ equations = [ equation for equation in self.listEquations() if not equation.startswith(gp.Model._generate_prefix) ] return self.getSymbols(equations)
[docs] def importExtrinsicLibrary( self, lib_path: str, functions: dict[str, str] ) -> ExtrinsicLibrary: """ Imports an extrinsic library to the GAMS environment. Parameters ---------- lib_path : str Path to the .so, .dylib or .dll file that contains the extrinsic library functions : dict[str, str] Names of the functions as a dictionary. Key is the desired function name in GAMSPy and value is the function name in the extrinsic library. Returns ------- ExtrinsicLibrary Raises ------ FileNotFoundError In case the extrinsic library does not exist in the given path. """ if not os.path.exists(lib_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"`{lib_path}` is not a valid path.") external_lib = ExtrinsicLibrary(lib_path, functions) self._add_statement(external_lib) return external_lib
[docs] def gamsJobName(self) -> str | None: """ Returns the name of the latest GAMS job that was executed Returns ------- str | None Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=["seattle", "san-diego"], description="canning plants") >>> gams_file_name = f"{m.gamsJobName()}.gms" """ return self._job
[docs] def gdxInputPath(self) -> str: """ Path to the input GDX file Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=["seattle", "san-diego"], description="canning plants") >>> gdx_path = m.gdxInputPath() """ return self._gdx_in
[docs] def gdxOutputPath(self) -> str: """ Path to the output GDX file Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego"], description="canning plants") >>> ii = gp.Set(m, name="ii", domain=i, description="seattle plant") >>> ii['seattle'] = True >>> gdx_path = m.gdxOutputPath() """ return self._gdx_out