- class gamspy.Set(container: Container, name: str | None = None, domain: list[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str | None = None, is_singleton: bool = False, records: Any | None = None, domain_forwarding: bool = False, description: str = '', uels_on_axes: bool = False, is_miro_input: bool = False, is_miro_output: bool = False)[source]#
Represents a Set symbol in GAMS.
- Parameters:
- containerContainer
Container of the set.
- namestr, optional
Name of the set. Name is autogenerated by default.
- domainlist[Set | Alias | str] | Set | Alias | str, optional
Domain of the set.
- is_singletonbool, optional
Whether the set is a singleton set. Singleton sets cannot contain more than one element.
- recordspd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | list, optional
Records of the set.
- domain_forwardingbool, optional
Whether the set forwards the domain.
- descriptionstr, optional
Description of the set.
- uels_on_axesbool
Assume that symbol domain information is contained in the axes of the given records.
- is_miro_inputbool
Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO input symbol. See:
- is_miro_outputbool
Whether the symbol is a GAMS MIRO output symbol. See:
- Attributes:
Container of the symbol
Description of the symbol
The dimension of symbol
List of domains given either as string (* for universe set) or as reference to the Set/Alias object
A boolean indicating whether domain forwarding is enabled
The column headings for the records DataFrame
String version of domain names
State of the domain links
Returns 1 for the first set element, otherwise 0.
Whether a symbol is a singleton set
Returns 1 for the last set element, otherwise 0.
Length of the set element name (a count of the number of characters).
Flag that identifies if the symbol has been modified
Name of symbol
Number of records
Element position in the current set minus 1.
Same as .pos but for ordered sets only.
Element position in the current set, starting with 1.
Records of the Set
Reverse element position in the current set, so the value for the last element is 0, the value for the penultimate is 1, etc.
Returns a dict of only the metadata
Length of the set element text (a count of the number of characters).
If a set element text is a number, this attribute gives the value of the number.
Element position in the unique element list.
If a set element is a number, this attribute gives the value of the number.
(other[, check_uels, ...])Used to compare the symbol to another symbol
()Representation of this Set in GAMS language.
([density, seed])Convenience method to set standard pandas.DataFrame formatted records given domain set information.
Latest assignment to the Set in GAMS
Declaration of the Set in GAMS
Get the sparsity of the symbol w.r.t the cardinality
([verbose, force])Checks if the symbol is in a valid format
(n[, type])Lag operation shifts the values of a Set or Alias by one to the left
(n[, type])Lead shifts the values of a Set or Alias by one to the right
([index, columns, fill_value])Convenience function to pivot records into a new shape (only symbols with >1D can be pivoted)
(other)Evaluates to true if this set is identical to the given set or alias, false otherwise.
(records[, uels_on_axes])Main convenience method to set standard pandas.DataFrame formatted records.
([include_element_text])Convenience method to return symbol records as a python list
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=['i1','i2'])
- equals(other: Set | Alias, check_uels: bool = True, check_element_text: bool = True, check_meta_data: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) bool #
Used to compare the symbol to another symbol
- Parameters:
- otherSet | Alias
Other Symbol to compare with
- check_uelsbool, optional
If True, check both used and unused UELs and confirm same order, otherwise only check used UELs in data and do not check UEL order, by default True
- check_element_textbool, optional
If True, check that all set elements have the same descriptive element text, otherwise skip, by default True
- check_meta_databool, optional
If True, check that symbol name and description are the same, otherwise skip, by default True
- verbosebool, optional
If True, will return an exception from the asserter describing the nature of the difference, by default False
- Returns:
- bool
True if symbols are equal, False otherwise
- gamsRepr() str [source]#
Representation of this Set in GAMS language.
- Returns:
- str
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", domain=["*"], records=['i1','i2']) >>> i.gamsRepr() 'i'
- generateRecords(density: int | float | list | None = None, seed: int | None = None) None #
Convenience method to set standard pandas.DataFrame formatted records given domain set information. Will generate records with the Cartesian product of all domain sets
- Parameters:
- densityint | float | list, optional
Takes any value on the interval [0,1]. If density is <1 then randomly selected records will be removed. density will accept a list of length dimension – allows users to specify a density per symbol dimension, by default None
- seedint, optional
Random number state can be set with seed argument, by default None
- getAssignment() str [source]#
Latest assignment to the Set in GAMS
- Returns:
- str
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=['i1','i2']) >>> i['i1'] = False >>> i.getAssignment() 'i("i1") = no;'
- getDeclaration() str [source]#
Declaration of the Set in GAMS
- Returns:
- str
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=['i1','i2']) >>> i.getDeclaration() 'Set i(*);'
- getSparsity() float #
Get the sparsity of the symbol w.r.t the cardinality
- Returns:
- float
Sparsity of the symbol w.r.t the cardinality
- isValid(verbose: bool = False, force: bool = False) bool #
Checks if the symbol is in a valid format
- Parameters:
- verbosebool, optional
Throw exceptions if verbose=True, by default False
- forcebool, optional
Recheck a symbol if force=True, by default False
- Returns:
- bool
True if a symbol is in valid format, False otherwise (throws exceptions if verbose=True)
- lag(n: int | Symbol | Expression, type: Literal['linear', 'circular'] = 'linear') ImplicitSet #
Lag operation shifts the values of a Set or Alias by one to the left
- Parameters:
- nint | Symbol | Expression
- type‘linear’ or ‘circular’, optional
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
- Raises:
- ValueError
When type is not circular or linear
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> >>> m = gp.Container() >>> t = gp.Set(m, name="t", description="time sequence", records=[f"y-{x}" for x in range(1987, 1992)]) >>> a = gp.Parameter(m, name="a", domain=[t]) >>> b = gp.Parameter(m, name="b", domain=[t]) >>> c = gp.Parameter(m, name="c", domain=[t]) >>> a[t] = 1986 + gp.Ord(t) >>> b[t] = -1 >>> b[t] = a[t.lag(1, "linear")] >>> b.records.values.tolist() [['y-1988', 1987.0], ['y-1989', 1988.0], ['y-1990', 1989.0], ['y-1991', 1990.0]] >>> c[t] = a[t.lag(1, "circular")] >>> c.records.values.tolist() [['y-1987', 1991.0], ['y-1988', 1987.0], ['y-1989', 1988.0], ['y-1990', 1989.0], ['y-1991', 1990.0]]
- lead(n: int | Symbol | Expression, type: Literal['linear', 'circular'] = 'linear') ImplicitSet #
Lead shifts the values of a Set or Alias by one to the right
- Parameters:
- nint | Symbol | Expression
- type‘linear’ or ‘circular’, optional
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
- Raises:
- ValueError
When type is not circular or linear
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> >>> m = gp.Container() >>> t = gp.Set(m, name="t", description="time sequence", records=[f"y-{x}" for x in range(1987, 1992)]) >>> a = gp.Parameter(m, name="a", domain=[t]) >>> c = gp.Parameter(m, name="c", domain=[t]) >>> d = gp.Parameter(m, name="d", domain=[t]) >>> a[t] = 1986 + gp.Ord(t) >>> c[t] = -1 >>> c[t.lead(2, "linear")] = a[t] >>> c.records.values.tolist() [['y-1987', -1.0], ['y-1988', -1.0], ['y-1989', 1987.0], ['y-1990', 1988.0], ['y-1991', 1989.0]] >>> d[t.lead(2, "circular")] = a[t] >>> d.records.values.tolist() [['y-1987', 1990.0], ['y-1988', 1991.0], ['y-1989', 1987.0], ['y-1990', 1988.0], ['y-1991', 1989.0]]
- pivot(index: str | list | None = None, columns: str | list | None = None, fill_value: int | float | str | None = None) DataFrame #
Convenience function to pivot records into a new shape (only symbols with >1D can be pivoted)
- Parameters:
- indexstr | list, optional
If index is None then it is set to dimensions [0..dimension-1], by default None
- columnsstr | list, optional
If columns is None then it is set to the last dimension, by default None
- fill_valueint | float | str, optional
Missing values in the pivot will take the value provided by fill_value, by default None
- Returns:
- DataFrame
Pivoted records dataframe
- sameAs(other: Set | Alias | str) Expression #
Evaluates to true if this set is identical to the given set or alias, false otherwise.
- Parameters:
- otherSet | Alias
- Returns:
- Expression
>>> import gamspy as gp
>>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego"]) >>> j = gp.Set(m, name="j", records=["new-york", "seattle"]) >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, j]) >>> attr[i,j] = i.sameAs(j) >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'seattle', 1.0]]
- setRecords(records: Any, uels_on_axes: bool = False) None [source]#
Main convenience method to set standard pandas.DataFrame formatted records. If uels_on_axes=True setRecords will assume that all domain information is contained in the axes of the pandas object – data will be flattened (if necessary).
- Parameters:
- recordsAny
- uels_on_axesbool, optional
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> import numpy as np >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i") >>> i.setRecords(["seattle", "san-diego"]) >>> i.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', ''], ['san-diego', '']]
- toList(include_element_text=False) List[str | tuple] | None [source]#
Convenience method to return symbol records as a python list
- Parameters:
- include_element_textbool, optional
If True, include the element text as tuples (record, element text). If False, return a list of records only.
- Returns:
- list | None
A list containing the records of the symbol, None if no record was assigned
>>> m = gt.Container() >>> i = gt.Set(m, "i", records=["new-york", "chicago", "topeka"]) >>> print(i.toList()) ['new-york', 'chicago', 'topeka']
- property container#
Container of the symbol
- property description#
Description of the symbol
- property dimension#
The dimension of symbol
- property domain#
List of domains given either as string (* for universe set) or as reference to the Set/Alias object
- property domain_forwarding#
A boolean indicating whether domain forwarding is enabled
- property domain_labels#
The column headings for the records DataFrame
- property domain_names#
String version of domain names
- property domain_type#
State of the domain links
- property first#
Returns 1 for the first set element, otherwise 0.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"]) >>> attr[i,"is_first"] = i.first >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'is_first', 1.0]]
- property is_singleton: bool#
Whether a symbol is a singleton set
- Returns:
- bool
True if the symbol is a singleton set; False otherwise
- property last#
Returns 1 for the last set element, otherwise 0.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"]) >>> attr[i,"is_last"] = i.last >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['new-york', 'is_last', 1.0]]
- property len#
Length of the set element name (a count of the number of characters).
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set length values") >>> attr[i,"length"] = i.len >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'length', 7.0], ['san-diego', 'length', 9.0], ['new-york', 'length', 8.0]]
- property modified#
Flag that identifies if the symbol has been modified
- property name#
Name of symbol
- property number_records#
Number of records
- property off#
Element position in the current set minus 1. So .off = .pos - 1
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set off values") >>> attr[i,"off"] = >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['san-diego', 'off', 1.0], ['new-york', 'off', 2.0]]
- property ord#
Same as .pos but for ordered sets only.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set order values") >>> attr[i,"order"] = i.ord >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'order', 1.0], ['san-diego', 'order', 2.0], ['new-york', 'order', 3.0]]
- property pos#
Element position in the current set, starting with 1.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set position values") >>> attr[i,"position"] = i.pos >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'position', 1.0], ['san-diego', 'position', 2.0], ['new-york', 'position', 3.0]]
- property records#
Records of the Set
- Returns:
- DataFrame
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> import numpy as np >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i") >>> i.setRecords(["seattle", "san-diego"]) >>> i.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', ''], ['san-diego', '']]
- property rev#
Reverse element position in the current set, so the value for the last element is 0, the value for the penultimate is 1, etc.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set reverse values") >>> attr[i,"reverse"] = i.rev >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'reverse', 2.0], ['san-diego', 'reverse', 1.0]]
- property summary: dict#
Returns a dict of only the metadata
- Returns:
- dict
Outputs a dict of only the metadata
- property tlen#
Length of the set element text (a count of the number of characters).
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=[("seattle", "Wisconsin"), ("san-diego", ""), ("new-york", " ")], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set element text length values") >>> attr[i,"text_length"] = i.tlen >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'text_length', 9.0], ['new-york', 'text_length', 1.0]]
- property tval#
If a set element text is a number, this attribute gives the value of the number. For extended range arithmetic symbols, the symbols are reproduced. If a set element text is a string that is not a number, then this attribute is not defined and trying to use it results in an error.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=[("seattle", "12"), ("san-diego", ""), ("new-york", "-13.4")], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set text values") >>> attr[i,"text_value"] = i.tval >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'text_value', 12.0], ['new-york', 'text_value', -13.4]]
- property uel#
Element position in the unique element list.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["seattle", "san-diego", "new-york"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set uel_pos values") >>> attr[i,"uel_position"] = i.uel >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['seattle', 'uel_position', 1.0], ['san-diego', 'uel_position', 2.0], ['new-york', 'uel_position', 3.0]]
- property val#
If a set element is a number, this attribute gives the value of the number. For extended range arithmetic symbols, the symbols are reproduced. If a set element is a string that is not a number, then this attribute is not defined and trying to use it results in an error.
- Returns:
- ImplicitSet
>>> import gamspy as gp >>> m = gp.Container() >>> i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["12", "20", "-13.4"], description="canning plants") >>> attr = gp.Parameter(m, "attr", domain = [i, "*"], description = "Set val values") >>> attr[i,"value"] = i.val >>> attr.records.values.tolist() [['12', 'value', 12.0], ['20', 'value', 20.0], ['-13.4', 'value', -13.4]]