GAMSPy 0.11.5#

  • General

    • Verify dimensionality of the symbol and the given indices to provide better error messages.

    • Allow Model object to also accept tuple of equations.

    • List available and installed solvers in alphabetically sorted order.

    • Fix adding autogenerated equations twice.

    • Generate unique names for the autogenerated variables and equations.

    • Add __str__ and __repr__ to Model.

    • Allow literals in sameAs operation.

    • Make Number operable.

    • Add more data validation functions.

    • Clear autogenerated symbols from the container if there is an exception.

    • Fix Alias bug while preparing the modified symbols list.

  • Testing

    • Add tests to check if incompatible dimensionality throws exception.

    • Test validation errors.

    • Allow providing system directory for the tests via environment variable.

  • Documentation

    • Add documentation for matches argument of Model.