GAMSPy 0.14.6#
Fix GAMS Engine get_logs return values according to the status code.
Allow explicit port definition via environment variable to communicate with GAMS.
Replace GamsWorkspace with GAMSPy workspace implementation.
Remove unnecessary validation for system_directory.
Better formatting for gamspy list solvers and gamspy list solvers -a.
Change the structure installing licenses on offline machines.
Fix UniverseAlias bug.
Check standard locations for GAMS MIRO.
Simplify toLatex output.
Make name optional for addX syntax of adding symbols.
Add __mod__ overload for all operables.
Fix domain forwarding issue when trying to forward records to the same set.
Do not convert eps to zero by default.
Add Sand and Sor operations.
Ensure that external equations contain == operation.
Use the Container that is created in the setup phase instead of creating a new one.
Remove unnecessary init files in tests.
Add a test for invalid port.
Explicitly close the Container for jobs executed by ProcessPoolExecutor.
Add a test for long running jobs with network license.
Add tests for gamspy probe and gamspy retrieve license.
Add test to use UniverseAlias object as domain.
Add tests to verify that symbol creation with no name is possible.
Add what is gamspy page to docs.
Update indexing docs.
Add a link to model library on the landing page.
Encourage the use of the Discourse platform instead of sending direct emails to
Add instructions on how to install a license on an offline machine.
Update what is gamspy page model example.
Change the order of symbol declaration and data specification in the quick start guide.
Add equation listing, variable listing, and interoperabiltiy sections to quick start guide.
Add gamspy.exceptions to the api reference.
Change the order of indexing, lag-lead operations, ord-card operations and number.
Add gamspy.NeosClient to the api reference.
Add model attributes to docstring.