GAMSPy for GAMS Users#

This document is for users who are already GAMS users and interested in translating their existing GAMS models to GAMSPy.

Translating Symbols#

The way to create symbols such as Set, Alias, Parameter, Variable, and Equation is explained in their respective documentation pages and you can see an example for the creation of each symbol below:

Set i / i1, i2 /;
Alias (i, a);
Parameter p / i1 1, i2 2 /;
Variable v(i);
Equation e(i);
e(i) .. v(i) + p(i) =l= z
Model my_model / e /;
solve my_model using LP min z;
import gamspy as gp

m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=['i1','i2'])
a = gp.Alias(m, "a", alias_with=i)
p = gp.Parameter(m, 'p', domain=[i], records=[['i1','1'], ['i2','2']])
v = gp.Variable(m, "v", domain=[i])
z = gp.Variable(m, "z")
e = gp.Equation(m, "e", domain=[i])
e[i] = v[i] + p[i] <= z
model = gp.Model(m, "my_model", equations=[e], problem="lp", sense="min", objective=z)

Translating Operations: Sum/Product/Smin/Smax#

Frequently used GAMS operations which accept an index list and an expression can be translated as follows:

Set i / i1, i2 /;
Parameter a / i1 1, i2 2 /;
Variable z;
Equation eq;
eq .. sum(i, a(i)) =l= z;
from gamspy import Sum, Product, Smin, Smax

m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=['i1','i2'])
a = gp.Parameter(m, 'a', domain=[i], records=[['i1','1'], ['i2','2']])
z = gp.Variable(m, 'z')

eq = gp.Equation(m, name="eq")
eq[...] = Sum(i, a[i]) <= z


Card and Ord operations can be translated as follows:

Set i / i0..i180 /;
Parameter step;
step = pi / 180;
Parameter omega(i);
omega(i) = (Ord(i) - 1) * step;
import gamspy as gp
import math

m = gp.Container()
i = Set(m, name="i", records=[str(idx) for idx in range(0, 181)])
step = Parameter(m, name="step", records=math.pi / 180)
omega = Parameter(m, name="omega", domain=[i])
omega[i] = (Ord(i) - 1) * step


This class is exclusively for conditioning on a domain with more than one set.

Set bus / i1..i6 /;
Alias (bus, node);
Set conex(bus, bus);

Parameter branch(bus, node, "*") / ...... /;
Parameter p;

conex(bus, node)$(branch(bus, node, "x")) = yes;
conex(bus, node)$(conex(node, bus)) = yes;

p = smax((bus, node) $ (conex(bus, node)), branch(bus, node, "bij" * 3.14 * 2))
import gamspy as gp

m = gp.Container()

bus = gp.Set(m, "bus", records=["i" + str(buses) for buses in range(1, 7)])
node = Alias(m, name="node", alias_with=bus)
conex = Set(m,"conex",domain=[bus, bus])

branch = Parameter(m,"branch",[bus, node, "*"],records=records)

p = Parameter(m, name="M")

conex[bus, node].where[branch[bus, node, "x"]] = True
conex[bus, node].where[conex[node, bus]] = True

p[...] = Smax(
    Domain(bus, node).where[conex[bus, node]],
    branch[bus, node, "bij"] * 3.14 * 2,


This is for conditions on numbers or yes/no statements.

Set i / 1..4 /;
Set ie(i);
Variable x(i);
ie(i) = yes$(x.lo(i) = x.up(i));
import gamspy as gp

m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, "i", records=[str(i) for i in range(1,5)])
ie = gp.Set(m, "ie", domain=[i])
x = gp.Variable(m, "x", domain=[i])
ie[i] = gp.Number(1).where[x.lo[i] == x.up[i]]

math package#

This package is for the mathematical operations of GAMS.


from gamspy import Container, Set, Variable
import gamspy.math as gams_math
import random

m = Container()
i = Set(m, "i", records=['i1', 'i2'])
k = Set(m, "k", records=['k1', 'k2'])
sigma = Variable(m, name="sigma", domain=[i, k], type="Positive")
sigma.l[i, k] = gams_math.uniform(0.1, 1) # Generates a different value from uniform distribution for each element of the domain.
sigma.l[i, k] = random.uniform(0.1, 1) # This is not equivalent to the statement above. This generates only one value for the whole domain.
Set i / i1, i2 /;
Set k / k1, k2 /;
Positive Variable sigma(i,k);
sigma.l(i,k) = uniform(0.1, 1);
display sigma.l;

Logical Operations#

Since it is not possible in Python to overload keywords such as and, or, and not, you need to use bitwise operatiors &, |, and ~.


  • and -> &

  • or -> |

  • not -> ~

error01(s1,s2) = rt(s1,s2) and not lfr(s1,s2) or not rt(s1,s2) and lfr(s1,s2);
error01[s1,s2] = rt[s1,s2] & (~lfr[s1,s2]) | ((~rt[s1,s2]) & lfr[s1,s2])

Translating GAMS Macros#

Macros in GAMS can be translated to GAMSPy as functions. The following example shows how GAMS Macro reciprocal can be defined as a function in Python to be used in GAMSPy:

$macro reciprocal(y) 1/y

scalar z, x1 /2/, x2 /3/;

z = reciprocal(x1) + reciprocal(x2);
display z;
import gamspy as gp

def reciprocal(y):
    return 1/y

m = gp.Container()
z = gp.Parameter(m, "z")
x1 = gp.Parameter(m, "x1", records=2)
x2 = gp.Parameter(m, "x2", records=3)
z[:] = reciprocal(x1) + reciprocal(x2)