Embedding a Trained Neural Network in GAMSPy#
One of the most exciting applications of combining machine learning with optimization is embedding a trained neural network into your optimization model.
Let’s assume you have trained a simple feed-forward neural network for optical character recognition, and you want to test the robustness of this neural network. For simplicity, we trained one for you on the MNIST dataset. If you want to follow this tutorial locally, you can download the weights.

MNIST from: LeCun, Yann, et al. “Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition.” Proceedings of the IEEE 86.11 (1998): 2278-2324.
We trained the neural network using PyTorch, with a single hidden layer consisting of 20 neurons with ReLU activation function.
Let’s start with the imports
import sys
import gamspy as gp
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from gamspy.math.matrix import dim
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
And then import the Neural Network, so we can get its weights:
hidden_layer_neurons = 20
class SimpleModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = nn.Linear(784, hidden_layer_neurons, bias=True)
self.activation = nn.ReLU()
self.l2 = nn.Linear(hidden_layer_neurons, 10, bias=True)
def forward(self, x):
x = torch.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1))
x = self.l1(x)
x = self.activation(x)
logits = self.l2(x)
output = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1)
return output
network = SimpleModel()
network.load_state_dict(torch.load("data.pth", weights_only=True))
To test the network’s robustness, we will use an image from MNIST and find the minimum change required for the neural network to misclassify it.
mean = (0.1307,)
std = (0.3081,)
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])
dataset1 = datasets.MNIST('../data', train=False, download=True, transform=transform)
test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset1)
for data, target in test_loader:
data, target = data, target
single_image = data[0]
single_target = target[0]
if torch.argmax(network(single_image)) == single_target:
print("Model currently classifies correctly")
print("Pick some other data")
Then we start creating GAMSPy parameters contaning the weights from the neural network:
# Let's get weights to numpy arrays
l1_weight = network.l1.weight.detach().numpy()
b1_weight = network.l1.bias.detach().numpy()
l2_weight = network.l2.weight.detach().numpy()
b2_weight = network.l2.bias.detach().numpy()
image_data = single_image.numpy().reshape(-1)
image_target = single_target.numpy()
m = gp.Container()
w1 = gp.Parameter(m, name="w1", domain=dim(l1_weight.shape), records=l1_weight)
b1 = gp.Parameter(m, name="b1", domain=dim(b1_weight.shape), records=b1_weight)
w2 = gp.Parameter(m, name="w2", domain=dim(l2_weight.shape), records=l2_weight)
b2 = gp.Parameter(m, name="b2", domain=dim(b2_weight.shape), records=b2_weight)
image = gp.Parameter(m, name="image", domain=dim(image_data.shape), records=image_data)
w1 is a \(20 \times 784\) matrix, b1 is a vector of size \(20\), w2 is a \(10 \times 20\) matrix, and b2 is a vector of size \(10\). The image is a vector of length 784, which is obtained by flattening a \(28 \times 28\) pixel image. Our task is to define the forward propagation process, where the 784 pixels are first mapped into \(\mathcal{R}^{20}\) and then further mapped into \(\mathcal{R}^{10}\). In the final layer, we could apply the softmax function to obtain probabilities. However, we can also choose to work directly with the logits, as softmax is a monotonically increasing function.
z2 and z3 will be created by linear formulations.
noise = gp.Variable(m, name="xn", domain=dim([784]))
a1 = gp.Variable(m, name="x1", domain=dim([784]))
# z2 = gp.Variable(m, name="a2", domain=dim([hidden_layer_neurons]))
# z3 = gp.Variable(m, name="a3", domain=dim([10]))
add_noise_and_normalize = gp.Equation(m, "eq1", domain=dim([784]))
add_noise_and_normalize[...] = a1 == (image + noise - mean[0]) / std[0]
#ensure bounds
a1.lo[...] = - mean[0] / std[0]
a1.up[...] = (1 - mean[0]) / std[0]
We create z2 and z3.
noise = gp.Variable(m, name="xn", domain=dim([784]))
a1 = gp.Variable(m, name="x1", domain=dim([784]))
z2 = gp.Variable(m, name="a2", domain=dim([hidden_layer_neurons]))
z3 = gp.Variable(m, name="a3", domain=dim([10]))
add_noise_and_normalize = gp.Equation(m, "eq1", domain=dim([784]))
add_noise_and_normalize[...] = a1 == (image + noise - mean[0]) / std[0]
#ensure bounds
a1.lo[...] = - mean[0] / std[0]
a1.up[...] = (1 - mean[0]) / std[0]
We create a new variable called noise, which will be used to perturb the input image. The noise variable has the same dimensions as the input image. The variable a1 will serve as the input to the neural network. It is defined by the add_noise_and_normalize equation, where the noise is added to the image, followed by normalization, as the network was trained with normalized inputs. We then ensure that a1 stays within the valid range, so that the noise cannot change any pixel to a negative value or exceed a value of 1.
We are ready to implement our first linear layer:
l1 = gp.formulations.Linear(m, 784, 20, bias=True)
l1.load_weights(l1_weight, b1_weight)
z2, _ = l1(a1)
a2, _ = gp.math.relu_with_binary_var(z2)
We define l1 as a linear formulation with 784 input neurons and 20
output neurons. Since we add bias in our NN, we select bias as True.
We load the weights and biases from the neural network into the linear
formulation directly without requiring creating variables. Then z2 is created
as output of the linear operation. Finally, we apply the
to obtain a2.
forward_1 = gp.Equation(m, "eq2", domain=dim([hidden_layer_neurons]))
forward_1[...] = z2 == w1 @ a1 + b1
a2, _ = gp.math.relu_with_binary_var(z2)
We define z2 as the matrix multiplication of the weights and the previous
layer, plus the bias term. Note that we use
to declare the a2 variable, which automatically creates the necessary
constraints and the activated variable for us.
Similarly, z3 is created by the second linear operation l2:
l2 = gp.formulations.Linear(m, 20, 10, bias=True)
l2.load_weights(l2_weight, b2_weight)
z3, _ = l2(a2)
Similarly, we can define z3:
forward_2 = gp.Equation(m, "eq3", domain=dim([10]))
forward_2[...] = z3 == w2 @ a2 + b2
This essentially completes the embedding of the neural network into our optimization problem. If we were particularly interested in obtaining real probabilities, we could have also added:
# if you need the probabilities, however it comes at a cost
# WE DO NOT ADD THIS, or you cannot use MIP but have to use MINLP
# a3, _ = gp.math.softmax(z3)
Next, we define the component that specifies the adversarial attack. Our goal is to make the model confuse our digit with another digit while making the minimal possible change. To achieve this, we introduce a binary variable to select the digit with which to create the confusion:
confuse_with = gp.Variable(m, name="confuse_with", domain=dim([10]), type="binary")
confuse_with.fx[str(image_target)] = 0 # cannot confuse with the correct label
ensure_confusion = gp.Equation(m, "eq4")
ensure_confusion[...] = gp.Sum(confuse_with.domain, confuse_with) == 1
We fix the correct target to 0, as confusing a target with itself would require no change. Then, we specify that it is sufficient if just one other digit is more likely than the correct digit. Next, we write the equation that forces another digit to be more likely than the correct one.
favor_confused = gp.Equation(m, "eq5", domain=dim([10]))
digit = favor_confused.domain
big_M = 20
favor_confused[digit] = z3[digit] + (1 - confuse_with[digit]) * big_M >= z3[str(image_target)] + 0.1
Confusing the neural network by completely changing the image would be trivial. We aim for the minimum possible change to the original image. Therefore, we define our objective as the L1 norm of the perturbations.
obj = gp.Variable(m, name="z")
noise_upper = gp.Variable(m, name="noise_upper", domain=noise.domain)
set_noise_upper_1 = gp.Equation(m, "set_noise_upper_1", domain=noise.domain)
set_noise_upper_1[...] = noise_upper[...] >= noise
set_noise_upper_2 = gp.Equation(m, "set_noise_upper_2", domain=noise.domain)
set_noise_upper_2[...] = noise_upper[...] >= -noise
set_obj = gp.Equation(m, "eq6")
set_obj[...] = obj == gp.Sum(noise_upper.domain, noise_upper)
Finally, bringing it all together:
model = gp.Model(
model.solve(output=sys.stdout, solver="cplex")
This takes a couple of seconds to solve, after which we can investigate:
array([0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
You can see that the model chose to confuse the original digit with digit 3. However, it’s always beneficial to visually inspect the perturbed image and verify that the network indeed misclassifies it.
noise_data = noise.toDense()
nn_input = torch.Tensor((noise_data + image_data - mean[0]) / std[0]).reshape(1, 784)
tensor([[ -6.5935, -16.1330, -5.6939, -0.6591, -14.1924, -6.1585, -20.6591,
-0.7591, -4.9915, -6.9858]], grad_fn=<LogSoftmaxBackward0>)
You can see that the largest logit in the last layer corresponds to digit 3, confirming that our neural network is indeed misclassifying the new image. But the question remains: would we also confuse the image?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
draw_nn = noise_data + image_data
plt.imshow(draw_nn.reshape(28, 28), cmap='binary', vmin=0, vmax=1)

A human would easily recognize this digit as a 7, not a 3, leading us to conclude that this network lacks robustness.
We demonstrated how easily a trained neural network can be embedded in GAMSPy. Since GAMSPy supports a wide range of solvers, you’re not limited to specific activation functions. For instance, we could have used tanh as the activation function and employed a nonlinear solver to find the minimum change, requiring just two lines of code modification. More importantly, we’ve shown that writing forward propagation in GAMSPy closely resembles how you would write it on paper.