Matrix Operations - Introduction#
Matrix operations are introduced for those who want to use machine learning with GAMSPy or prefer matrix notation. In many machine learning applications, the underlying algebra is expressed using matrix operations rather than indexed algebra. While GAMSPy provides indexed algebra to meet the needs of many common optimization applications, matrix operations have been introduced to complement indexed algebra. We still believe that for classical optimization problems, indexed algebra is a better choice as it is more intuitive.
However, for ML practitioners, writing this:

calc_mm_3[...] = z3 == a2 @ w2
is much easier than:
calc_mm_3[m, j] = z3[m, j] == Sum(i, a2[m, i] @ w2[i, j])
In this context, m
represents the batch dimension, i
denotes the feature dimension of layer 2,
and j
represents the feature dimension of layer 3.
GAMSPy provides the following matrix features:
Implicit default domains
Easy matrix declaration
Matrix multiplication
- Convenience functions
Vector norms
Improved domain tracking
In this introduction section, we summarize each of the features. You can find more information about the features in their own respective pages.
Activation functions are moved to Formulations page.
Implicit default domains#
GAMSPy can work without explicitly specifying the indices. Let a, b, c be variables (e.g. matrices). When symbols are accessed without specific domains, the domains specified when declaring the symbol is used implicitly.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, "i")
j = gp.Set(m, "j")
k = gp.Set(m, "k")
a = gp.Variable(m, name="a", domain=[i, j, k])
b = gp.Variable(m, name="b", domain=[j, k])
c = gp.Variable(m, name="c", domain=[i, j])
assign_1 = gp.Equation(m, name="assign_1", domain=[i, j, k])
The following expression works without specifying the indices:
assign_1[...] = a == b + c
If you prefer ellipsis syntax:
assign_1[...] = a[...] == b[...] + c[...]
Or if you want to be specific:
assign_1[i, j, k] = a[i, j, k] == b[j, k] + c[i, j]
Easy matrix declaration#
Sometimes you need to generate parameters or variables as a matrix without assigning
significant meaning to their indices. The gp.math.dim
recommended method for
declaring matrices, though parameters or variables defined without it can still be
used in matrix operations.
See the following example for using dim
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import dim
w1_data = np.random.rand(50, 100)
m = gp.Container()
w = gp.Parameter(m, name="w1", domain=dim((50, 100)), records=w1_data)
DenseDim50_1 DenseDim100_1 value
0 0 0 0.429909
1 0 1 0.831080
2 0 2 0.656872
3 0 3 0.959341
4 0 4 0.758202
... ... ... ...
4995 49 95 0.847640
4996 49 96 0.870642
4997 49 97 0.369344
4998 49 98 0.233120
4999 49 99 0.704139
As you can see under the hood, GAMSPy generates two sets for you called
and DenseDim100_1
. DenseDim50_1
contains elements
0, 1, ..., 49
whereas DenseDim100_1
contains elements
0, 1, ..., 99
. The word DenseDim
is followed by the dimension,
underscore and then the alias number where 1
refering the original set.
w2_data = np.random.rand(50, 50)
w2 = gp.Parameter(m, name="w2", domain=dim((50, 50)), records=w2_data)
DenseDim50_1 DenseDim50_2 value
0 0 0 0.902650
1 0 1 0.268446
2 0 2 0.133204
3 0 3 0.931026
4 0 4 0.283675
... ... ... ...
2495 49 45 0.931849
2496 49 46 0.991170
2497 49 47 0.754725
2498 49 48 0.924075
2499 49 49 0.437851
You can see in the output DenseDim50_2
is used instead of repeating
the same set twice. DenseDim50_2
is an alias of set DenseDim50_1
This is done because it is more convenient for us when doing matrix
In the same way you can generate variable matrices:
x = gp.Variable(m, name="x", domain=dim((50, 50)))
You are not limited to 2 dimensions. Many times in ML applications we need more than 2 dimensions:
y = gp.Variable(m, name="y", domain=dim((128, 500, 1000)))
However, you are limited to 20 dimensions as GAMSPy supports up to 20 dimensions:
# The following would not work
z = gp.Variable(m, name="z", domain=dim(list(range(1, 100))))
Matrix Multiplication#
We tried to follow matrix multiplication rules of PyTorch,
torch.matmul ,
therefore, you are not limited to only rank-2 tensor multiplications. GAMSPy
symbols and expressions support matrix multiplication by overriding the @
When performing matrix multiplication, the actual computation is not performed immediately. Instead, an expression is generated. This approach is used because matrix multiplication is computationally expensive, and since the elements involved include variables as well as numbers, certain libraries and optimization techniques cannot be used to accelerate the process. By delegating this task to the GAMS execution engine rather than handling it directly in Python, we achieve a faster model generation process.
Validation of dimensions and shape of the output is determined by dimensions of the tensors as follows:
If both tensors are vectors, the dot product is returned.
If both tensors are matrices, matrix multiplication is returned.
If the first tensor is a vector and the second tensor is a matrix then 1 is prepended to the vector to make it a matrix multiplication. After the operation, the prepended dimension is removed.
If the first tensor is a matrix, and the second tensor is a vector, matrix-vector product is returned.
If the first tensor is a vector, and the second tensor has a rank larger than 2, the first tensor is prepended with 1 and then batched matrix multiplication is returned. After the operation, the prepended dimension is removed.
If the first tensor has a rank larger than 2, and the second tensor is a vector, then batched matrix-vector product is returned.
If both tensors have ranks larger than 2, then they must have same ranks. We currently do not support broadcasting. Batch dimensions must match.
You can see every case in the following example:
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import dim
# since we will use this a lot
rand = np.random.rand
m = gp.Container()
# inputs
vec = gp.Parameter(m, name="vec", domain=dim((25, )), records=rand(25))
mat = gp.Parameter(m, name="mat", domain=dim((25, 25)), records=rand(25, 25))
mat2 = gp.Parameter(m, name="mat2", domain=dim((40, 50)), records=rand(40, 50))
mat3 = gp.Parameter(m, name="mat3", domain=dim((50, 60)), records=rand(50, 60))
# case 1: vector @ vector, dot product
f = gp.Parameter(m, name="f")
f[...] = vec @ vec
# 0 9.181418
# case 2: matrix @ matrix, matrix multiplication
# 40 by 50 times 50 by 60 resulting in 40 by 60
res_mat = gp.Parameter(m, name="res_mat", domain=dim((40, 60)))
res_mat[...] = mat2 @ mat3
# DenseDim40_1 DenseDim60_1 value
#0 0 0 8.648533
#1 0 1 10.884543
#2 0 2 10.512125
#3 0 3 10.892082
#4 0 4 9.390584
#... ... ... ...
#2395 39 55 13.436246
#2396 39 56 12.606727
#2397 39 57 12.442652
#2398 39 58 12.599677
#2399 39 59 12.669896
# case 3: vector @ matrix
res_vec = gp.Parameter(m, name="res_vec", domain=dim((25,)))
res_vec[...] = vec @ mat
# case 4: matrix @ vector
res_vec[...] = mat @ vec
# case 5: vector @ batched matrix
# 20 times 128x20x90
# vector is prepended by 1
# 1x20 times 128x20x90
# resulting in 128x90
vec_2 = gp.Parameter(m, name="vec_2", domain=dim((20,)), records=rand(20))
batched_mat = gp.Parameter(m, name="batched_mat",
domain=dim((128, 20, 90)), records=rand(128, 20, 90))
result_mat = gp.Parameter(m, name="result_mat", domain=dim((128, 90)))
result_mat[...] = vec_2 @ batched_mat
# case 6: batched matrix @ vector
vec_3 = gp.Parameter(m, name="vec_3", domain=dim((90,)), records=rand(90))
result_mat_2 = gp.Parameter(m, name="result_mat_2", domain=dim((128, 20)))
result_mat_2[...] = batched_mat @ vec_3
# case 7: batched matrix @ batched matrix
batched_mat_2 = gp.Parameter(m, name="batched_mat_2",
domain=dim((128, 90, 50)), records=rand(128, 90, 50))
result_mat_3 = gp.Parameter(m, name="result_mat_3", domain=dim((128, 20, 50)))
result_mat_3[...] = batched_mat @ batched_mat_2
Convenience Functions#
Similar to matrix multiplications, there exist many mathematical functions that are frequently used in machine learning applications.
Vector Norms#
Vector norms are essential to many machine learning applications. For example, in the ordinary least squares method, one minimizes the squared residuals, which can be formulated as minimizing the vector size of the residuals.
In the simple example, we can use vector_norm
to get length of a vector.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import vector_norm
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["i1", "i2"])
# (3, 4) vector
vec = gp.Parameter(m, "vec", domain=[i], records=[("i1", 3), ("i2", 4)])
# Size of a vector is a scalar
vlen = gp.Parameter(m, "vlen", domain=[])
vlen[...] = gp.math.vector_norm(vec)
# value
# 0 5.0
The vector_norm function calculates the Euclidean norm of an input by default, flattening all dimensions. It can also compute any Lp-norm with some considerations:
Default Behavior: Without additional arguments, the function returns the Euclidean norm.
Custom Lp-norm: To calculate an Lp-norm, supply the desired value of ord.
Special Case: If ord is not an even integer and the input is not an endogenous argument, the norm calculation uses the absolute value, which requires DNLP.
You can also use dim function to specify over which dimensions to compute the norm.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import vector_norm
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["i1", "i2"])
j = gp.Set(m, name="j", records=["j1", "j2"])
mat = gp.Parameter(m, "mat", domain=[i, j],
records=np.array([[3, 4],
[7, 24]])
vlen = gp.Parameter(m, "vlen", domain=[i])
vlen[...] = gp.math.vector_norm(mat, dim=[j])
# i value
# 0 i1 5.0
# 1 i2 25.0
Canceling out the square root#
Minimizing L2 norms of residuals is common in optimization problems. Minimizing an L2 norm typically requires the square root (sqrt) function, necessitating the use of a Non-Linear Programming (NLP) model. However, in many cases, you can achieve this by minimizing the square of the norm instead, allowing the use of a Quadratically Constrained Programming (QCP) model type.
Normally, this approach wouldn’t work in GAMSPy because the square and square
root operations don’t automatically cancel each other out. However, the
vector_norm operation is an exception. When the conditions are correct,
marks the sqrt
function as cancellable, effectively allowing the minimization of the squared
norm within a QCP model.
This enhanced functionality simplifies the optimization process and broadens the applicability of the vector_norm function in various modeling scenarios.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import vector_norm
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["i1", "i2"])
j = gp.Set(m, name="j", records=["j1", "j2"])
mat = gp.Parameter(m, "mat", domain=[i, j],
records=np.array([[3, 4],
[7, 24]])
expr = gp.math.vector_norm(mat, dim=[j])
# '( sqrt(sum(j,( sqr(mat(i,j)) ))) )'
# You can see square cancels the square root in this case
(expr ** 2).gamsRepr()
# 'sum(j,( sqr(mat(i,j)) ))'
Another common operation that is often required is permutation. The
function takes an input x and dims
where the x is one of the following:
and returns either an ImplicitVariable or ImplicitParameter with the dimensions permuted as requested.
permute does not create a new variable or parameter in GAMS but rather creates a placeholder that accesses the original variable during the permutation. You can see that in the following example, where we create a matrix mat with domain [i, j]. Afterwards, we set mat2 to a permutation of the mat but printing the GAMS string of mat2 reveals that no new variable is generated.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import permute
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["i1", "i2"])
j = gp.Set(m, name="j", records=["j1", "j2"])
mat = gp.Parameter(m, "mat", domain=[i, j],
records=np.array([[3, 4],
[7, 24]])
mat2 = permute(mat, [1, 0])
# 'mat(i,j)'
# [Set(name=j, domain=['*']), Set(name=i, domain=['*'])]
mat2["i1", "j2"] # This would raise an exception
mat2["j2", "i2"] # This is the correct way to reach mat2
mat2["j2", "i2"].gamsRepr()
# 'mat("i1","j2")'
If you only need to permute the last two dimensions (transpose), you can use .t() on parameters and variables.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["i1", "i2"])
j = gp.Set(m, name="j", records=["j1", "j2"])
mat = gp.Parameter(m, "mat", domain=[i, j],
records=np.array([[3, 4],
[7, 24]])
mat2 = mat.t() # same as before
The trace
function calculates the trace of a given
input array x. Although less common in machine learning, this function can
still be useful in various applications.
Default Behavior: By default, the function computes the trace along the 0th and 1st axes.
Custom Axes: Use the axis1 and axis2 parameters to specify different axes for the trace calculation. The domains of axis1 and axis2 must be the same or aliases.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import trace
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, name="i", records=["i1", "i2"])
mat = gp.Parameter(m, "mat", domain=[i, i],
records=np.array([[3, 4],
[5, 6]])
# Matrix
# 3 4
# 5 6
# Trace of it is 3 + 6 = 9
sc = gp.Parameter(m, name="sc")
sc[...] = trace(mat)
# value
# 0 9.0
Improved domain tracking#
GAMSPy provides a flexible implementation of matrix multiplication that goes beyond parameters and variables. Expressions can also be used within matrix multiplications. To support this functionality, GAMSPy tracks the domain of each expression.
You can query the domain of an expression by using the domain attibute. In some cases, in addition to tracking the domain, GAMSPy needs to change the domain to preserve it when the resulting multiplication has the same set in its domain more than once.You can also use this feature to change a set or alias to its alias. See the following code snippet as an example.
import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
m = gp.Container()
i = gp.Set(m, "i")
j = gp.Set(m, "j")
k = gp.Set(m, "k")
a = gp.Variable(m, name="a", domain=[i, j])
b = gp.Variable(m, name="b", domain=[k, j])
c = gp.Variable(m, name="c", domain=[i, k])
expr = a + b
# [Set(name=i, domain=['*']), Set(name=j, domain=['*']), Set(name=k, domain=['*'])]
expr2 = c + b
# [Set(name=i, domain=['*']), Set(name=k, domain=['*']), Set(name=j, domain=['*'])]
expr3 = expr @ expr2
# [Set(name=i, domain=['*']), Alias(name=AliasOfj_2, alias_with=Set(name=j, domain=['*'])), Set(name=j, domain=['*'])]
# 'sum(k,((a(i,AliasOfj_2) + b(k,AliasOfj_2)) * (c(i,k) + b(k,j))))'
# if you want to use your own alias
jj = gp.Alias(m, "jj", j)
expr4 = expr3[i, jj, j]
# 'sum(k,((a(i,jj) + b(k,jj)) * (c(i,k) + b(k,j))))'