NN Formulations (ReLU, Conv2d…)#

A key challenge in embedding ML blocks in optimization is to come up with formulations. To help you with this task, we implement the most commonly used activation functions and layers so you can easily start optimizing.

Layer Formulations#

GAMSPy provides several formulations to help you embed your neural network structures into your into your optimization model. We started with formulations for computer vision-related structures such as convolution and pooling operations.

Convolution by definition requires no linearization, but it is tedious to write down. Now you can use Conv2d to easily embed your convolutional layer into your optimization model.

import gamspy as gp
import numpy as np
from gamspy.math import dim
w1 = np.random.rand(2, 1, 3, 3)
b1 = np.random.rand(2)
m = gp.Container()
conv1 = gp.formulations.Conv2d(
     kernel_size=(3, 3)
conv1.load_weights(w1, b1)
maxpool1 = gp.formulations.MaxPool2d(m, (2, 2))

inp = gp.Variable(m, domain=dim((10, 1, 24, 24)))
out_var, eqs = conv1(inp)
print([len(d) for d in out_var.domain])
# [10, 2, 22, 22]

out_var_2, eqs2 = maxpool1(out_var)
print([len(d) for d in out_var_2.domain])
# [10, 2, 11, 11]

#out_var_2, eqs2 = maxpool1(out_var, big_m=10)

out_var_3, eqs3 = gp.formulations.flatten_dims(out_var_2, [1, 2, 3])
print([len(d) for d in out_var_3.domain])
# [10, 242]

Supported formulations:

Max/Min Pooling Implementation#

Max pooling and min pooling use big-M notation and binary variables to pick the minimum or maximum. If the input has upper and lower bounds, big-M is calculated using those bounds. Otherwise, big-M is 1000. Generated variables also contain the upper and lower bounds if the input already has them.

The real formulation is more complicated because it is not scalar but indexed. For simplicity, let us demonstrate the following example. We will do min/max pooling on a 4x4 input where the filter size is 2x2. From the 4 regions, we will have 4 values. \(a, b, c, d\) are variables in the blue region, most likely continuous, but there is no restriction. \(p\) is the variable that is the output of the pooling operation on the blue region. Depending on the operation, it is either min or max of the corresponding input points.


The linearization of the \(p = \max(a,b,c,d)\) is as follows:

\[\begin{split}p \geq a \\ p \geq b \\ p \geq c \\ p \geq d \\ p \leq a + M(1 - x_a) \\ p \leq b + M(1 - x_b) \\ p \leq c + M(1 - x_c) \\ p \leq d + M(1 - x_d) \\ x_a + x_b + x_c + x_d = 1 \\ x_a, x_b, x_c, x_d \in \{0, 1\} \\\end{split}\]

\(x_i\) is a binary variable when set to 1 it means \(p = i\).

The linearization of the \(p = \min(a,b,c,d)\) is as follows:

\[\begin{split}p + M(1 - x_a) \geq a \\ p + M(1 - x_b) \geq b \\ p + M(1 - x_c) \geq c \\ p + M(1 - x_d) \geq d \\ p \leq a \\ p \leq b \\ p \leq c\\ p \leq d\\ x_a + x_b + x_c + x_d = 1 \\ x_a, x_b, x_c, x_d \in \{0, 1\} \\\end{split}\]

\(x_i\) is a binary variable when set to 1 it means \(p = i\).

Activation Functions#

One of the key reasons neural networks can learn a wide range of tasks is their ability to approximate complex functions, including non-linear ones. Activation functions are essential components that introduce nonlinearity to neural networks. While understanding functions like ReLU may be straightforward, integrating them into optimization models can be challenging. To assist you, we have started with a small list of commonly used activation functions. So far, we have implemented the following activation functions:

Unlike other mathematical functions, these activation functions return a variable instead of an expression. This is because ReLU cannot be represented by a single expression. Directly writing y = max(x, 0) without reformulating it would result in a Discontinuous Nonlinear Program (DNLP) model, which is highly undesirable. Currently, you can either use relu_with_binary_var to introduce binary variables into your problem, or relu_with_complementarity_var to introduce nonlinearity.

Your model class changes depending on whether you want to embed a pre-trained neural network into your problem or train a neural network within your problem.

If you are training a neural network, you must have non-linearity. Using relu_with_binary_var would result in a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Program (MINLP) model. On the other hand, relu_with_complementarity_var would keep the model as a Nonlinear Program (NLP) model, though this does not necessarily mean it will train faster.

If you are embedding a pre-trained neural network using relu_with_binary_var, you can maintain your model as a Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) model, provided you do not introduce nonlinearities elsewhere.

To read more about classification of models.

from gamspy import Container, Variable, Set
from gamspy.math import relu_with_binary_var, log_softmax
from gamspy.math import dim

batch = 128
m = Container()
x = Variable(m, "x", domain=dim([batch, 10]))
y, eqs1 = relu_with_binary_var(x)

y2, eqs2 = log_softmax(x) # this creates variable and equations for you

Additionally, we offer our established functions that can also be used as activation functions:

These functions return expressions like the other math functions. So, you need to create equations and variables yourself.

from gamspy import Container, Variable, Set, Equation
from gamspy.math import dim, tanh

batch = 128
m = Container()
x = Variable(m, "x", domain=dim([batch, 10]))
eq = Equation(m, "set_y", domain=dim([batch, 10]))
y = Variable(m, "y", domain=dim([batch, 10]))
eq[...] = y == tanh(x)